We’re off to sail the rollicking sea, pirates all are we! But ARRRR, and shiver me timbers! There’s a stowaway on board! Perhaps the King of the High Cs will know what to do. Join this salty crew ofcolorful scallywags when Bluebeard, Yellowbeard, Whitebeard, Purplebeard – well, you get the
Composer |
John Jacobson |
Composer Continued |
Roger Emerson |
Publisher |
Hal Leonard |
Instrumentation |
Musical |
Product Format |
Classroom Musical |
Description Product Type |
Set and CD |
Genre |
Tv / Film / Musical / Show |
Year of Publication |
2008 |
9781458474452 |
884088217662 |
Series |
Expressive Art (Choral) |
No. |
HL09971155 |
Product Dimensions |
30,5 x 22,9 cm |
Text language |
English |
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